Expanding from one product to multiple products is a pivotal moment for any company. Done correctly, it can unlock massive new revenue streams that will propel you forward for the years to come. Done incorrectly, it can result in a considerable waste of critical resources. For that reason, we're excited to welcome Mads Johnsen, who has tackled going multi-product several times throughout his career, most recently as Chief Product Officer of Calm, where he rearchitected the Product team, helped bring the company to profitability, and launched several new products that drove significant revenue for the business. In this members-only Guilds session, you'll learn:

  • Key pitfalls in going multi-product (and how to avoid them)
  • What successful product launches have in common
  • Critical insights on value props and new product positioning
  • And more!

We'll also be leaving lots of time for open Q&A and discussion.

About Guilds by FirstMark

Guilds by FirstMark are private, invite-only communities for exceptional C- and VP-level leaders from breakout technology companies. The Guilds come to life through regular live events, online community, and a library of resources and insights that are only available to members.

We run Guilds for engineering, sales, finance, people, product, marketing, and more. If one of your C/VP-level peers would like access to a private community of peers, please refer them here or reach out directly to ben@firstmark.com